Arifa Akhund

My name is Arifa Akhund I was born in a small city called Dadu but then moved to a bigger city called Hyderabad which is in Pakistan I completed my bachelor s degree from CEAD (Centre of Excellence Art and Design) now known as SABS, Shaheed Allah Bukhsh Soomro University of Art, Design Heritages, Jamshoro Sindh I chose to do my final year thesis on travel doodling because I wanted to portray my travel journey from my home to my university every day This also gave me a chance to display the difference between the coordination of eyes and hands during travelling and while sitting still at home.
Artist Statement
As we all know coordination is a huge part of our life Without the ability to have proper coordination between different body parts especially hands and eyes, doing simple tasks may become impossible Therefore, I wanted to convey this in my work by comparing the coordination between my eyes and hands while I was traveling to when I was at home.
Arifa Akhund, Travel Doodling, 24 x 36 Inch, Highlighter on Canvas, Abstract Painting, AC-ARAK-002
BIOGRAPHY My name is Arifa Akhund I was born in a small city called Dadu but then moved to a bigg..
$30,000.00 Ex Tax: $30,000.00
Arifa Akhund, Travel Doodling, 24 x 36 Inch, Highlighter on Canvas, Abstract Painting, AC-ARAK-003
BIOGRAPHY My name is Arifa Akhund I was born in a small city called Dadu but then moved to a bigg..
$30,000.00 Ex Tax: $30,000.00
Arifa Akhund, Travel Doodling, 48 x 48 Inch, Highlighter on Canvas, Abstract Painting, AC-ARAK-001
BIOGRAPHY My name is Arifa Akhund I was born in a small city called Dadu but then moved to a bigg..
$50,000.00 Ex Tax: $50,000.00